Since 1994, Let the Children Live! has served thousands of children in Colombia through life saving support and life giving education showing each and every child that they are loved and valued. We serve the most vulnerable population in Medellin, Colombia and strive to educate the world on this issue.
Let the Children Live! is a nonprofit 501(3) corporation
(ID 46-1215641) in the US.
With our sister charity Let the Children Live! Registered in the UK, we help fund the operations of Fundación ¡Vivan Los Niños! (Funvini), in Medellin Colombia.
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.” (Mt. XXV:40)
Your tax-deductible gift will benefit the children in most need. This means you are helping to feed and educate at-risk children in Colombia.
Every dollar raised goes directly to the children!
We welcome any monthly gift at any level. Our two suggested donation levels are as follows: